Gurmukhi is the compound form of Guru and Mukh. Gurmukhi (Punjabi) Curriculum to provide knowledge of Gurmukhi script and Punjabi Language. Moreover, to spark interest in Sikh youth to read, write, speak and understand Punjabi. Also, to enable comprehension of Gurbani. Punjabi language and Gurmukhi Script are directed using a structured module to emphasize reading, writing, and speaking skills. The classes are organized based on a child’s current skill set and level of understanding of the language.
Pre-K Gurmukhi Studies
Introduction to Penti – playing and artwork with the Penti Akhars.
Level-K Gurmukhi Studies
Practice Akhar writing, Akhar recognization, familiarization with similar-looking Akhars, and sound practice.
Level 1 Gurmukhi Studies
Mastering Akhar writing, recognization and sound practice of the Penti Akhars, fruits and the names of the vegetables, and introduction to numbers 1-20.
Level 2 Gurmukhi Studies
Introduction to Matras, numbers 1-30, building vocabulary, reading small sentences, practicing Muharni, and telling time.
Level 3 Gurmukhi Studies
Mastering Matras, reading words and simple sentences, introduction to reading comprehension and basic grammar, numbers 1-50, building vocabulary, and Muharni practice.
Level 3 Gurmukhi Studies Accelerated
Mastering Akhars, Matras, and Muhaarni, reading words and simple sentences, basic grammar, basic vocabulary, introduction to reading comprehension, and numbers 1-50.
Level 4 Gurmukhi Studies
Reading fluency, grammar practice, developing writing skills, numbers 1-70, and building vocabulary.
Level 4 Gurmukhi Studies Accelerated
Reading fluency, grammar practice, developing writing skills, and numbers 1-100.
Level 5 Gurmukhi Studies
Reading fluency, mastering writing skills, practicing Muharni, and grammar practice.
Level 6 Gurmukhi Studies
Grammer enrichment, writing practice, Muharni practice. For the second half of the year, lessons are focused on selected Paudis & Chhant from NitNem Banis and Ardaas.
Level 7 Gurmukhi Studies
Advanced grammar practice, reading Sakhis, and question answers. For the second half of the year, lessons include Gurbani of Salok Mahalaa 9.